Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Energieversorgungstechnik

Herr Dr.-Ing. Mahjar Wazifehdust

Herr Dr.-Ing. Mahjar Wazifehdust



2011-2014 Bachelor-Studium der Elektro-/Informationstechnik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Vertiefung: Informationstechnik)
2014-2017 Master-Studium der Elektro-/Informationstechnik an der RWTH Aachen (Vertiefung: Energietechnik)
07/2017-12/2022 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Energieversorgungstechnik
04/2022-12/2022 Leiter der Forschungsgruppe intelligente Netze und Systeme


  • Intelligente DC-Netzautomatisierung zur Elektrifizierung des ÖPNV (Link)
  • Smart Grid Labor (Link)
  • Intelligente Verteilnetzautomatisierung mit netzdienlicher Gebäudebetriebsführung (Link)


  • Stephan, J.; Modemann, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Von Smart Grids zu Smart Markets
    VDE Inside – Bezirksverein Bergisch Land, Wuppertal (2022)
  • Forchheim, M.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Puleo, G.; Wazifehdust, M.; Zdrallek, M.; Palmer, S.:
    Forecast of Charging Processes of a Local Charging Infrastructure for Potential Flexibility Provisioning Based on Methods of Artifical Intelligence
    Proceedings of the International CIRED Workshop on E-Mobility and Power Distribution Systems, Porto (2022)
  • Wazifehdust, M.; Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Zdrallek, M.; von Kalben, C.; Troullier, C.:
    Modelbased Predictive Control System for Battery-Trolleybuses in a LVDC Traction Network
    Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT-Asia), Virtual (2021)
  • Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Koch, M.; Zdrallek, M.; Steinbusch, P.; von Kalben, C.; Schumacher, J.-O.:
    Power Control Model for Conventional and Battery Trolleybuses to Improve Voltage Profile in a DC Traction Network Simulation
    Proceedings of the International CIRED 2021 Conference, Virtual (2021)
  • Wazifehdust, M.; Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.; von Kalben, C.; Troullier, C.:
    Grid State Evaluation of a LVDC Traction Network: Methods for the Analysis of Forecast Data
    Proceedings of the International CIRED 2021 Conference, Virtual (2021)
  • Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Zdrallek, M.; von Kalben, C.; Schumacher, J.-O.:
    Intelligent Trolleybus Guidance System with Short-Term Grid State Forecast
    Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Virtual (2021)
  • Baumeister, D.; Wazifehdust, M.; Salih, M.; Zdrallek, M.; von Kalben C.; Schumacher J.-O.:
    Optimal Catenary Planning of Trolleybus Systems
    Proceedings of the International ETG Congress 2021, Virtual (2021)
  • Wazifehdust, M.; Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.; von Kalben C.; Schumacher J.-O.:
    Predictive Flexibility Calculation for Battery-Trolleybuses
    Proceedings of the International ETG Congress 2021, Virtual (2021)
  • Forchheim, M.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Stark, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Palmer, S.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Grid Serviceability Assessment of Non-Residential Buildings Using Measurement and Simulation Data and its Validation in a Physical Test Grid
    Proceedings of the International ETG Congress 2021, Virtual (2021)
  • Forchheim, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Korotkiewicz, K.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M:
    Development of a Non-Residential Building Model for an Enhanced Identification and Utilization of Flexibilities in Smart Distribution Grids
    Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS) 2020, Darmstadt (2020)
  • Salih, M.; Baumeister, D.; Wazifehdust, M.; Koch, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.; Mour, S.; Troullier, C.:
    Optimized Positioning for Storage Systems in an LVDC Traction Grid with Non-Receptive Power Sources and Photovoltaic Systems
    Proceedings of the 9th Solar & Storage Integration Workshop, Dublin (2019)
  • Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Koch, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.; Mour, S.; Troullier, C.:
    Scenario Analyses of a Dynamic LVDC Smart-Trolleybus-Network with Battery-Assisted Traction Loads
    Proceedings of the 3rd E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, Dublin (2019)
  • Salih, M.; Koch, M.; Baumeister, D.; Wazifehdust, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Adapted Newton-Raphson Power Flow Method for a DC Traction Network Including Non-Receptive Power Sources and Photovoltaic Systems
    Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Bucharest (2019)
  • Wazifehdust, M.; Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Koch, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.; Mour, S.; Troullier, C.:
    Potential Analysis for the Integration of Renewables and EV Charging Stations within a Novel LVDC Smart-Trolleybus Grid
    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2019), Madrid (2019)
  • Steinbusch, P.; Modemann, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Fast Distribution Grid State Estimation Using Improved Sensitivity Analysis
    Proceedings of the 8th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018)
  • Salih, M.; Baumeister, D.; Wazifehdust, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.; Mour, S.; Deskovic, P.; Küll, T.:
    Impact Assessment of Integrating Novel Battery-Trolleybuses, PV Units and EV Charging Stations in a DC Trolleybus Network
    Proceedings of the 2nd E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden (2018)
  • Baumeister, D.; Salih, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.; Mour, S.; Lenuweit, L.; Deskovic, P.; Ben Zid, H.:
    Modelling and Simulation of a Public Transport Sytem with Battery-trolleybuses for an Efficient E-mobility Integration
    Proceedings of the 1st E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, Berlin (2017)
  • Gitis, A.; Wessel, S.; Wazifehdust, M.; Heimes, H.; Sauer, D. U.; Figgemeier, E.; Kampker, A.: 
    Vom Staub zur Elektrode (Teil 2): Herstellungsprozess von Elektroden für Lithium-Ionen Batteriezellen
    Galvanotechnik, 03/2017, Band 108, S. 540-544
  • Gitis, A.; Wessel, S.; Wazifehdust, M.; Heimes, H.; Sauer, D. U.; Figgemeier, E.; Kampker, A.: 
    Vom Staub zur Elektrode (Teil 1): Herstellungsprozess von Elektroden für Lithium-Ionen Batteriezellen
    Galvanotechnik, 02/2017, Band 108, S. 345-348


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