Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Energieversorgungstechnik

Herr Maximilian Hendrik Forchheim

Herr  Maximilian Hendrik Forchheim



2013-2017 Bachelorstudium der Elektrotechnik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
2017-2019 Masterstudium der Elektrotechnik mit Schwerpunkt "Renewable Energy", Bergische Universität Wuppertal
2019-2024 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Energieversorgungstechnik


  • InFlex - Integration gebäudetechnischer Flexibilitäten und kombinierter Fahrzeugladeinfrastruktur in ein dezentrales Verteilnetzautomatisierungssystem (Link)


  • Koch, M.; Tafuro, M.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Forchheim, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Zdrallek, M.
    Low Voltage Laboratory Grid for Smart Grid Systems with Bidirectional Power Flows
    ETG Congress 2023, Kassel (2023)
  • Cano-Tirado, D.; Forchheim, M.; Asman, M.; Zdrallek, M.; Palmer, S.:
    Potential grid-service-oriented and market-oriented optimisation of a local charging infrastructure through a genetic algorithm
    Tagungsband zum 18. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz (2024)
  • Forchheim, M.; Kirant.Mitic, T.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Electrical Energy Flexibilities’ Prediction and Validation of a Real Non-Residential Building through Methods of Machine Learning
    Proceedings of the International CIRED 2023 Conference, Rom (2023)
  • Cano-Tirado, D.; Kırant-Mitić, T.; Forchheim, M.; Modemann, M.; Zdrallek, M.; Kühler, D.:
    Potential Flexible Operation's Assessment of a Non-Residential Building Through a Novel Tool
    Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Novi Sad (2022)
  • Forchheim, M.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Puleo, G.; Wazifehdust, M.; Zdrallek, M.; Palmer, S.:
    Forecast of Charging Processes of a Local Charging Infrastructure for Potential Flexibility Provisioning Based on Methods of Artifical Intelligence
    Proceedings of the International CIRED Workshop on E-Mobility and Power Distribution Systems, Porto (2022)
  • Becker, M.; Müller, T.; Forchheim, M. H.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Konzepte zur Integration von Flexibilitäten in Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden in ein dynamisches Lastmanagement
    e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, (2021), Link
  • Forchheim, M.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Stark, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Palmer, S.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Grid Serviceability Assessment of Non-Residential Buildings Using Measurement and Simulation Data and its Validation in a Physical Test Grid
    Proceedings of the International ETG Congress 2021, Virtual (2021)
  • Cano-Tirado, D.; Forchheim, M.; Korotkiewicz, K.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M.:
    Recommendations for the Implementation of DC-DC Converters Based on Wide Band Gap Semiconductors for Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems
    Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS) 2020, Darmstadt (2020)
  • Forchheim, M.; Wazifehdust, M.; Cano-Tirado, D.; Korotkiewicz, K.; Steinbusch, P.; Zdrallek, M:
    Development of a Non-Residential Building Model for an Enhanced Identification and Utilization of Flexibilities in Smart Distribution Grids
    Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS) 2020, Darmstadt (2020)

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